What are Monthly Meetings, Quarterly Meetings, and Yearly Meetings?

“To be a Quaker is not simply to subscribe to doctrines but to be convinced that one has known an ultimate reality which authenticates doctrine. It is to know oneself capable of being taught now by the living Spirit of Truth, capable of receiving vital direction in what one is to do. It is not only to be a follower of the teachings of Jesus but to have met the Inward Christ. Paul A Lacey Leading and Being Led (1986 reprint)

Monthly meetings are the fundamental spiritual community in the Religious Society of Friends. From the beginning, Quakers believed that spiritual leadership was the responsibility of all, not just a designated pastor or priest. Decisions are made by all members of a meeting, and leadership is a shared responsibility. The monthly meeting derives its name from the fact that its members meet monthly in a meeting for worship to manage business concerns. Within its own area of responsibility, the monthly meeting is autonomous. Most monthly meetings own a meetinghouse that has a room for worship and often other rooms for office and event space.

Quarterly meetings are designed to bring together a larger group of Friends to encourage and strengthen one another through worship and to deal with matters of regional concern four times a year. A quarterly meeting consists of the entire membership of its constituent monthly meetings. Philadelphia Quarter (PQM) includes Germantown MM, Green Street MM, Chestnut Hill MM, MM of Friends of Philadelphia (4th and Arch), Central Philadelphia MM, Unity MM, and Frankford MM. All members of monthly meetings are invited and encouraged to attend quarterly meeting sessions and each monthly meeting appoints representatives. Quarterly Meetings can deal regionally with broader issues and special concerns and may also test concerns that a monthly meeting wishes to bring before the yearly meeting.

Philadelphia yearly meeting (PYM) is an extended network of Friends. There are thirteen Quarters in the Yearly Meeting. This community exists to hold and amplify, deepen and nurture the experience of Spirit, and everyone’s talents and involvement help make that happen… The yearly meeting increasingly sees itself as a network of connections to enable those with particular interests, concerns, and gifts to be linked to others with a similar focus….. Some connections are made in informal ways, and some require an application process through the Quaker Life Council.… Yearly meeting staff help support Friends connections, including maintaining the yearly meeting website, publishing newsletters, providing communications infrastructure, assisting groups in planning events, and providing expertise, resources and other services (PYM Faith and Practice).