Resources and Information about Quakers and Quakerism

The spirituality that is real to us finds its inner strength in the mystical experience of connectedness with each other and with the whole of creation. This is the deep, still and vibrant centre that transcends time. From that dynamic place it is possible to turn outwards and work in one’s own available and chosen action spaces to help make manifest the harmony that is already known.
David James and Jillian Wychel 1991, Quaker Faith and Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand

Find a Quaker Meeting
  • Find a Local Quaker Meeting (PYM) Quaker Meetings and worship near you. Over 100 meetings in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey.
  • Quaker Finder (FGC) is a tool to locate Quaker meetings and churches meeting the following criteria: 1)Meetings, churches, and worship groups whose affiliated Yearly Meeting is located primarily in the United States or Canada or 2) Independent meetings based primarily in the United States and Canada.
  • To find a Quaker community not meeting these criteria, please visit the Friends World Committee for Consultation.
Videos and Literature
  • PQM E-NEWS – Sign up or Browse the Archives!  Sign up to receive Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting Newsletters.
  • Friends Journal is an online and a print journal whoes goal is to “…communicate Quaker experience in order to connect and deepen spiritual lives”
  • Pendle Hill Books (Quaker) We specializes in Pendle Hill publications – books, pamphlets, pamphlet sets, and pamphlet subscriptions.
  • QuakerBooks Friends General Conference Quaker Bookstore offers books, pamphlets, ebooks, curriculum, and the like that help Friends and others live our lives as expressions of our faith, serve our values, and learn about the Quaker way past and present.
  •  is a place for people worldwide to access reliable basic information about the Religious Society of Friends (the Quakers) and to explore resources that could help them find a spiritual path and community. is a project of Friends Publishing Corporation, which is an independent Quaker nonprofit organization that publishes Friends Journal and the QuakerSpeak series on YouTube.
  • QuakerSpeak is a YouTube Series by Friends Journal of interviews with Quakers on a large variety of topics.
Quaker Organizations
  • AFSC works with communities worldwide to challenge injustice and build conditions for lasting peace. We are steadfast in our commitment to nonviolence and our belief in the transformative power of love to overcome conflict and oppression.
  • FCNL The Friends Committee on National Legislation is a national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, and environmental stewardship.
  • FGC Friends General Conference, with Divine guidance, nurtures the spiritual vitality of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) by providing programs and services for Friends, meetings, and seekers. Founded in 1900, Friends General Conference is an association of local and regional Quaker organizations primarily in the United States and Canada. FGC is a volunteer led association.
  • FUM The Friends United Meeting community stretches far and wide across the globe. We are a collection of Christ-centered Quakers, embracing thirty-seven Yearly Meetings and Associations, thousands of local gatherings and hundreds of thousands of individuals.
  • FWCC  In the Americas, the Quaker community extends from the Arctic to the Andes, spanning a rich diversity of regional cultures, beliefs and styles of worship. Answering God’s call to universal love, Friends World Committee for Consultation brings Friends of varying traditions and cultural experiences together in worship, communications and consultation, to express our common heritage and our Quaker message to the world.
  • Pendle Hill is a Quaker center welcoming all for Spirit-led learning, retreat, and community. Our Vision: To create peace with justice in the world by transforming lives.
  • PYM  Philadelphia Yearly Meeting was founded in 1681 to provide assistance and oversight for established and prospective monthly meetings. Today Philadelphia Yearly Meeting includes meetings and Friends in parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.